
Starlinks Live in Nigeria

Starlink is a satellite constellation being constructed by SpaceX to provide satellite Internet access around the world. Nigeria is one of the countries around the world that will benefit greatly from the implementation of Starlinks considering our poor internet...
The Beauty of Your ipad Pro without a Case

The Beauty of Your ipad Pro without a Case

A  Reddit user posted a picture of their clean iPad Pro without a case on Reddit today and got an overwhelming reaction with other users sharing their own experiences too.   For a moment take your iPad Pro out of its case and realise how beautiful and amazing the...
WhatsApp Pay Nigeria

WhatsApp Pay Nigeria

On the 8th of June, Picharge NG deployed a checkout on WhatsApp feature which makes it possible for you to buy cables via WhatsApp on our website. The good news is that, on the 15th of June, Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook announced that WhatsApp payment feature...
Zoom Vs Microsoft Teams vs Google Meet

Zoom Vs Microsoft Teams vs Google Meet

2020 Top Video conference apps   During the recent lockdown, video calls became the last resort for most businesses and activities to happen without delay. From classes to court sessions to job interviews, parties and conferences.  The culture shift that happened...


USB-C, also known as Type-C, is the latest connector developed by the USB Implementers’ Forum (USB-IF), a group of industry leaders within the consumer electronics community, such as Apple, Intel, Dell, and Belkin. As many of the world’s most recognized...