Create your Business Mobile App without coding.

Create your Business Mobile App without coding.

If you’d ever wish having a mobile app to run your business. But couldn’t forge into hiring a developer. So also, coding is a hurdle you’d never want to cross. Perhaps it seems quite difficult to divulge through. Yet, it’s paramount you have a...
Picharge — Our experience with Logistics.

Picharge — Our experience with Logistics.

Obviously, all consumer intrinsic businesses like Picharge; Have got a mix of experiences, while executing our logistics and delivery. It has become an irresistible routine; we’ve never got to escape each day. Since customers can now place orders right from...
Now you can fix your apple device — Self Service Repair.

Now you can fix your apple device — Self Service Repair.

Apple has announced Self Service Repair. Which would grant users the right to resolve apple device issues. And also make room for them to take on Google and Microsoft. The new service allows customers who have the knowledge. To access the genuine Apple tools and parts...
Here is how employers monitor remote workers.

Here is how employers monitor remote workers.

Technology has made working from home easier. Hence, employers are increasingly adopting monitoring software. To keep eyes on remote workers. Employee monitoring is often an important privacy issue. But the pandemic has ushered-in, an era of intensive inspection....