Picharge — Our Journey.

Picharge — Our Journey.

Picharge! We’re a global brand, a marque of reputable identity, and a noble voice. Our value system resonates around empathy, which induces and promotes friendly atmospheres. We are ethical, and our norm is doing what’s right. We have a high sense of...
Picharge — Our experience with Logistics.

Picharge — Our experience with Logistics.

Obviously, all consumer intrinsic businesses like Picharge; Have got a mix of experiences, while executing our logistics and delivery. It has become an irresistible routine; we’ve never got to escape each day. Since customers can now place orders right from...

Someone cheated me! See how you can cheat others.

Someone cheated me! See how you can cheat others. Social proof is a great way to sell! People want to buy what others are buying, people want to use what others are using or eat what others are eating. How do you get your products or services in a space where people...