
The game is about to change as Samsung is now looking on how to make your shots cool other than what they have always thought made your shots look good.

Until now Samsung has been in the race of delivering cameras with the highest megapixels. This was their definition of quality. However, if you have noticed, an average iPhone shot looks just more cool than that of an average Samsung.

Although it seems like it’s more of an algorithm thing for the iPhones. Samsung would be taking this all very seriously while still having their hardwares unbeatable. Infact, just to prove that Samsung is really gaining some ground, analysts had reported that image sensors produced by Samsung, as at last year, made up about 29% of the total market share unlike the 20% it held in the year before.

Also, recent reviews on the Samsung S21 ultra is really yielding great results for the electronics giant as it currently ranks top on phones with best camera on multiple reviewers listing.

It was also leaked that Olympus, a camera manufacturer, has approached Samsung for a partnership of some sort. This is expected to be a combination of expertise from both ends which should result in something very marketable. There is yet to be an official report by either of the companies on the partnership as at compilation time, but an informant on twitter @heyitsyogesh had revealed this.

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